Voice & Script International
128-132 Cleveland Street
London W1T 6AB
Telephone: +44 (0)207 692 7700
E-Mail: hello@vsi.tv
Registered in England
Registration Number: 3195141
Any personal data you submit via our contact forms is encrypted using digital security systems before we receive it.
Our website has systems in place to protect against damage, destruction or unauthorised access.
You are entitled to access the personal data that we store about you without giving a reason. You can request that the data we have collected be blocked, amended or deleted at any time. You can also withdraw your consent for data collection and processing. To do so, please notify us at the address provided on our above.
Please note that privacy regulations and procedures for data protection of third parties, can change frequently. You are therefore responsible for keeping yourself informed about any changes to legal regulations and to the practices of companies such as Google.