6 languages
The VSI subtitling team enjoyed working on a particularly interesting Google product film on behalf of acclaimed UK Production Company, Flying Object. The video in question, which our team subtitled into six languages, highlights the ever-expanding capabilities of Google Search. It specifically covered the search engine’s ability to differentiate between different meanings of the same word, depending not only on the context in which it is used, but also on the location of the searcher, and their search history.
This humanistic approach to language interpretation moves Google one step closer to replicating the thought processes of a human, and exemplifies the huge amount of progress which has been made in machine learning over the past decade.
Although there is still some way to go before a computer programme can truly understand all of the intricacies of human language, it was interesting to see Google’s impressive advances in this regard. VSI’s in-house translation team were fascinated by Google adopting the same logical, contextual approach to translating the meaning and intention behind the words that they themselves use in order to provide accurate translations.
Whilst we believe that no technology will ever be able to fully replace trained and experienced linguists, at VSI we fully embrace the latest technology to assist and complement our teams work in delivering high-quality linguistic services to our clients.
We recognise what a vital role tech can play in bringing the world closer together, so we were delighted to help Google tell people about their impressive advances in this exciting area.